No Longer Breastfeeding And What what I Will Change Next Time

Yep, it’s official. My milk has dried up.


It’s been about a week since I’ve stopped breastfeeding. I was really disappointed about it at first. I even cried a few times. But there isn’t anything I can do about it now. There’s just what I can do about it next time.

PUMP PUMP PUMP. Pump every 2 hours. Even after breastfeeding.

DON’T. GIVE. UP. Last time I gave up actually breastfeeding a week into it and went to pumping. Then when I noticed my supply going down, I started supplementing with formula. Next time I won’t do that. Next time I will breastfeed for as long as my baby wants to. And I will only go to formula if he ABSOLUTELY needs it. Going to formula was smart and would have needed to happen eventually, but it only constipated him and made me get a little lazy, because it was just SO much easier.

I will also wait to introduce bottles until at least 4 weeks. I’ll just pump and freeze. Then, when I get a babysitter, we can use that milk and he can exclusively have breast milk. 

I will take ALL THE SUPPLEMENTS I can to increase my supply. I want to OVERPRODUCE. I want like, 8 oz at a time right away.

I will eat as often as I can and drink OVER a gallon of water. I was not eating right at ALL, and I DEFINITELY wasn’t drinking enough water. I was drinking a few Dr Peppers a day and maybe 24 oz of water. I know. BAD BAD BAD.

I WILL make this work! I swear! I don’t feel bad about going to formula, but I know what I will do better next time. 

Hello world! The generic, WordPress title.

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I have this bad habit of making a blog, then getting discouraged and deleting it. I’ve made so many different websites and online personas that I’ve gotten tired of writing the first blog title. No matter what, it always ends up sounding corny. So, since WordPress does it for me, I just leave it at that.

I’m Evelyn. I’m 20 years old and I’m married to a superhero. At least, I think he is. ;) Together we have a 7 week old baby boy named Michael. These two guys are the loves of my life.


I LOVE to craft. Sewing and crocheting are my main loves, but I am always adding to the list. My most used sentence is, “I can make that.” Seriously, if I pin a cute dress or bag, it’s usually not because I think it’s cute. (Though that is a contributing factor.) Most of the time, it’s because I plan to make it later.

My husband and I are huge nerds. Like, “watch an entire season of Star Trek or Doctor Who in a day because we love it” nerds. Our children will be raised on Pokemon, Harry Potter, Minecraft and several other mindnumbingly geeky things.

I classify myself as a mommy blogger, and a DIY blogger. From what I’ve seen, that kind of covers a lot. So you never know what you’re going to find here haha. I’d love for you to follow me and leave a comment! I’m always looking for new friends. :D